Welcome to Roaster Guild of Europe

Welcome to Roaster Guild of Europe

If you’re reading this then it’s likely the first time you’ve headed over to the brand new Roaster Guild of Europe website, so welcome!

The Roaster Guild of Europe working group met for the first time in Frankfurt, September 2015 to put their heads together and create the beginnings of a new SCAE trade guild for roasters. Eight months on and we’re ready to launch with news of the inaugural Roaster Camp which will take place this October 6-8 in Pärnu, Estonia. The camp program will span a full three days with workshops, seminars, challenges and group discussions. 

Tickets for camp will be launched at World of Coffee, Dublin where you come and meet with the working group, relax and catch up over a coffee. 

In the meantime, you can sign up to the RGE mailing list to keep informed of our upcoming plans and progress and follow our social media channels to join in the RGE online community.


Coffee Swap at World of Coffee 2016

Coffee Swap at World of Coffee 2016

What's the RG up to?

What's the RG up to?